In addition to Hartmanice itself, the village also includes 22 other villages, settlements and hermitages...
Tips for cultural and sports events in Hartmanick and Sušick
Tips for places of tourist interest in Hartmanice and the surrounding area.
The Šumava Museum branch at Dobrá Voda. Memorial of the executed Dr. Šimon Adler, commemorating the life of the Jewish minority in Šumava and Pošumaví.
Exhibition on Czech-German-Jewish coexistence in Šumava, Šumava in old photographs, exhibition on liquidated villages, ...
At the very end of the war, the defunct village of Kepelské Zhůří was the site of a fierce clash between soldiers of the 90th Infantry Division and the Nazis.
From Hartmanice to Dobra Voda, Pustina, Březník and Karlov. After places associated with St. Through the vineyards and behind the beautiful views.
You can enjoy winter fun on a slope with a length of almost 600 m.

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